Media Hub

Welcome to Dr. Brady Frank's Media Hub. Here you will find a curated collection of videos, podcast episodes, and articles featuring Brady. Want to interview Brady or include him in an upcoming project? Reach out directly here



Revolutionizing Dental Staff’s Financial Position through DSOs – Dental Alements Podcast

Brady joins Cindy Williams on the Dental Alements podcast to explain how any dental staff member might become an owner of the company they work for through unique ownership structures.


Scaling Your Practice – Bulletproof Dental Practice Podcast

Brady demystifies the corporate dental service organization (DSO) and explains the options open to dentists willing to approach their career in a new way.

Selling Your Practice – a conversation with Dr. David Phelps

Brady chats with Dr. Phelps about the challenges lifelong dentists face when approaching retirement – and how rethinking the process can put the power back in the hands of the practitioner.


The Ongoing Crisis in Dental Entrepreneurship

Brady lays out why he believes so strongly that dentistry should be controlled by dentists – not large corporate entities.

Health-care entrepreneurship: An opportunity to thrive in a changing dental landscape

Brady makes clear the concept of health-care entrepreneurship and its benefits.

Entrepreneurial Dentists Maximize the Value of their Real Estate

Brady explains how someone can repeat success by using sale proceeds from their own practices and properties to invest in other non-performing dental practices.